3 Month ago I wrote how you may be loosing your mobile traffic to Google AMP pages, that got some attention.
AMP stands for Accelerate Mobile Pages – and it’s a roughly year old project from Google that aims to optimize mobile browsing experience by providing a free cache/CDN layer, as well as a subset of HTML and JS library to help improve rendering on mobile devices.
My smaller complain was that Google placed a fat navigation bar at the top that took up 10% of the screen and remained in view permanently. I later learned that this was only an issue on iOS devices and the bar would scroll out of the view on Android.
I am happy to announce that now the the navigation bar scrolls out of the view on Mobile Safari as well. See for yourself.

It is nice to see the AMP team delivering on some of their promises. Hopefully, the fix for “click through to the original source” issue that I outline in my original post, is coming soon as well.