This blog post is a collections of programming books that comes up most often in various discussion on this subject. The data was Scrapped/Polished with LLMs so take it with a grain of salt. Rank Book Title Authors Mentions 1 The Pragmatic Programmer Andrew Hunt, David Thomas 7 2 Designing Data-Intensive Applications Martin Kleppmann 6 […]
Transcribing Speech to Text with Python and OpenAI API (Whisper)
Implementation 1. Getting OpenAI API Key 2. Install OpenAI module In your command line run 3. Generating the Transcript Modify and run the following Python script Example Back Story from 2018 In 2018 I wrote a blog post titled Transcribing Speech to Text with Python and Google Cloud Speech API. Back then, the task was […]
Load Testing Google Cloud PubSub
I wrote the following tool to do load test on Google Cloud PubSub. It’s a pretty simple but effective tool to generate a lot of data. This assumes user is using gcloud auth application-default login for credentials. In this particular examples: Every third request is adding a different attribute. Python dict as a payload that […]
Writing Bad Code is Depressing
Recently I was working on a fun idea, that was going to take me longer than one week to complete. Towards the second week I found myself dreading going back to work on my “fun” project. I wasn’t sure why… Was I no longer excited about the idea? Was I just too tired? Was I […]
Death by Redesign
What does 1 + 2 + 3 equal to? It was 6, not anymore. Apple released its new operating system (iOS 11) for iPhone on September 19, 2017. One of the updates was a redesigned calculator app. Mid October, a post titled “Try quickly typing 1 + 2 + 3 into the iOS 11 Calculator. […]
Building a Simple Stopwatch App with Electron
Few days ago I decided to find a Stopwatch app for my Mac. I went over to the App Store and noticed that there were no good free options available. I thought to myself, how hard would it be to make one with Electron? Turns out, it was very easy. Getting an Electron shell running […]
Writing Good Code is a lot Like Writing Prose
Introduction I love to write prose. I also love to write code. Different people have different approaches to writing code. I had a co-worker whose criteria for writing good Software was to make sure that one block of code can be read without having to scroll. My criteria for writing good code can be summarized […]
Whiteboard Interviews Suck, Get Good at Them Anyway
Most people agree that whiteboard interviews suck. They have little co-relation with the job requirements and thousands of great engineers are being rejected every day just because they don’t do well with CS 101 types of questions. On a flip side, the whiteboard interview have been the industry standard for many years and they are […]
Running Any Linux Browser in (almost) Headless Mode
I just saw an articled on Hacker News announcing that Chrome 59 is going to have cross-platform headless support. A lot of people are excited by this announcement, mainly because it will allow them to move away from PhantomJS – a buggy headless browser currently used as a de-facto solution to run unit tests and […]
Chrome Dev Summit 2016 Highlights
Originally posted on Two weeks ago I got to attend the Chrome Dev Summit, an annual two-day conferencehosted by Google where they announced latest developments relevant to the webtechnology. Here are my full notes from this conference. Since there was somuch information presented, I decided to organize it by subject, instead ofchronological order of […]