I often have to demo my locahlost code to people who might not be in the same room with me.
Usually it’s being done via a development environment. However, for a small change, it might be more work than it’s worth.
That is why I was so happy to come across this tool
All I had to do is download their binary file and add it to my path, and now I can pipe my localhost to the real world by running:
ngrok 3000
(or whatever port number I want to pipe)
which results in
ngrok (Ctrl+C to quit)
Tunnel Status online
Version 1.6/1.5
Forwarding http://5ec2daaa.ngrok.com ->
Forwarding https://5ec2daaa.ngrok.com ->
Web Interface
# Conn 0
Avg Conn Time 0.00ms
I can then take url like http://5ec2daaa.ngrok.com
and share it with my co-workers. Making sure to kill that process as soon as I am done 🙂
Pretty cool thing.